Don't We Live the Life

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Eff to the effing max.



Since really screaming might raise some eyebrows in the house of Mel, I needed to atleast electronically get that out.

But hey, on the other hand, having my parents think i have legitimately lost it might atleast get me outa here.....

Which, if I do say so myself, I need to effing do.

The tally: 26 resumes to 25 different restaurants (I took 2 to the bitter end...)
1 interview. 0 job.
Shoot me now.

To make matters worse, my parents have decided that I don't realize just how shitty of a situation I am in and so they feel the need to keep reminding me. "Jeeze, what are you going to do? I mean you need a job. Can you go bak to the Rope Loft? Maybe you should try..." Maybe you should cram it with walnuts.
Its like... ok Im 20. I realize how fucked I am. Riding my ass like I am some dumb ass kid is NOT helping. In fact it is making me feel more stressed out.




Went to the Palace for the first time last weekend. Not bad, it's actually nice inside which is funny because it's so skeazy there. We got in VIP which I think just made the whole experience funnier. But yeah, whatev drank some wine, bonded with the roomie a little more it was a good night.

Before that, on Thursday night we went to this little show at Ginger's Tavern for this band called Down with the Butterfly. They were really good, and it was a nice small intimate environment. Good times were had by all. Then we had nachos at the shoe shop. Sooo good.

Saturday day was beautiful... I slept in wicked late and did nothing really...

Tuesday was feener's b-day celebration. We went to the knot. I like the knot. But then again I like any place that serves alchohol. As a result, I was kind of hung over on wednesday which is rare for me. I just haven't been getting much practice lately is all.

I got me some new specs too, they're pretty effing spiffy for glasses I guess.

Blah... so far this summer has been high in sucking. And it had better soon turn itself around, otherwise its not going to be pretty. Last summer was so much fun. What a let down to come home its been. I mean.... yeah I missed everybody here and all of that but like.... I don't have my freedom, I don't have cash, I miss Ottawa and more importantly I miss everybody from there... It's lonely here. Lonlier than a bachelor appartment on gilmour st I can tell you that much.

Anyway... enough of this woefulness and self- pitying...

Some other interesting things have occured, but I'm not sure what to make of them or even if I should be making anything out of them. I will leave it at that.

$99 for the Stones is rediculous... way to suck the fun outa that concert promoters.... I suggest a road trip anyway and we all just sit outside the concert grounds and listen.... All i need is a car... any takers???



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