Don't We Live the Life

Monday, March 20, 2006

Last stop for a resolution

Oook so

Sorry for the gayness (and sorry for using the term "gayness") that have been some of these entires as of late... Lets just write it off as excessive stress and extreme happiness over the fact that it is soon summer. Enough said.

So, BIG NEWS!!!!!!!

I won my very first roll up the rim tonight!!!!!!!!! I was in class, and I didn't know how to react. Mind you, it was only a donut. There by blowing my theory, that the fact that I have never won a single thing, and therefore I must be destined to win some cash or the car, has been totally blown. But I am still holding out hope and will continue to drink a raspberry tea almost daily until the end of the contest, because you just never know.

The other cool news, is that after months of searching, and days of viewings, we have found a new apartment! Its super huge, and gorgeous... and we can have pets. I'm now officially accepting suggestions for cat names. I would like to go all emo and name it Virtute, which is latin for vitrue, aka after the title cat in The Weakerthan's song, "Plea from a cat name Virtute" but that would be super emo of me and I'm not sure I can stand having to call out "virtue" all the time..... Unless i can think of a catchy way to shorten that name, I don't think its going to fly.

Anyway, the place is nice, and in a good part of the North End... I have pictures, but I'm not going to post them because its of somebody else's apartmet at present and that would be kind of creepy. Stay tuned for the giant housewarming party to follow soemtime in May.

Hmm what else....

Oh yeah

Had a super weird St. Patty's Day that involved (among other things), A ferry ride to Dartmouth, a hardcore Punk or, "crazy wave" show, complete with fake blood to simulate "crazy wage stigmata" being chased down the street by a bum weilding a shopping cart, lots of beer, nearly getting into several fights in the line-up at the Apple Barrel and in general just a very, very random time. Some portions of the night were just downright upsetting... at any rate I always seem to have very fucked up St. Patty's days. Lets not even get into last year, and the year before I had to sit at home in residence due to my drunken loss of my fake ID and a whole lot of homework.

Also, i took out my nose ring. There are several reasons why, but the main one involves the on-going quarter life crisis I've been going through since I turned 20 and now that I am on the cusp of turning 21, I feel that it perhaps time to grow up a little bit. As well, there are some other reasons that I would rather not articulate because I would realize how comletely rediculous they are. Anyway... yeah I have lots of pictures... so when my kids call me a square I can be like, "Oh yeah? have a look at this bitches...." Or something....

Anyway... thats the update in my life for the moment.....

Oh. and I got an A on a paper tonight that I wrote in approx 4 hours, thus reinforcing the fact that I am a paper writing machine.

End transmission.


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