Don't We Live the Life

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Nothing says healthy like having tots for supper...

So this puppy has been neglected as of late.

The simple truth though, is that my life is not interersting enough to warrant a blog post.

My days consist of rolling out of bed at 6am and working and then chilling afterwards.
Now, don't get me wrong, the chilling has been fun and memorable, (though some of those memories may be clouded due to the amount of alcohol in my system). But nothing spectacular. Or maybe its just that I don't feel like sharing.. or something..

I guess there have been some "what the damn hell" moments in the last week or so, but I really don't feel it's necessary to waste the energy to type them out because well I guess that would just be acknowledging just how pissed off they made me. And when I say "some" I mean just one, and when I say "they" I mean he.

I think I'm actually looking forward to school starting. This happens to me every summer around this time. It's like right smack in the middle of working. And I reach the point that I'm just so damn tired of working all the time that I just want to scream. And all i want to do is go on a random road trip, or really shake up my routine somehow, but all I can do is just get up and go to work again for what seems like the 100th day in a row. And so school starts to become this idealized escape much like work seems like in those long days of mid March when the thought of reading another book and writing another paper makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm perpetually caught wishing to be somewhere, but I have no idea just where that somewhere is.

Bah anyway, thats enough meloncholy and deepness for awhile

PS. Kat: I had this really random dream where I was at your house in Hamilton and I had a friend with me, and I was worried that my friend wan't going to get along with your friends. And then your brother was there, but he had blonde curly hair and glasses and he was wearing american eagle pants on backwards and my parents called for some reason and I got pissy and said "fuck" on the phone to them for some unknown reason.... and thats all I remember..

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Freedom like a shopping cart


Haven't been feelin too wordy lately, but to post in pictures would be complicated, and I don't have pictures from recent times... except that one night from the Dome...


Workin still, as always
thats enough about that though.

Waiting for the roomie to come home presently so she can uncover the secret of where the laundry room key is hidden so I can have a clean shirt for tomorrow, and clean socks too.

I finally got my hair partially fixed, the blonde part at least. For some reason the black dye didn't stay in my hair, so I have to go back tomorrow to get that fixed up. Finally.. maybe I will start to have some good hair days now finally!
Pictures to follow.

I have decided that I need a BBQ, and a deck... but mostly just a BBQ.. or atleast make friends with someone who has a BBQ... hmm...

Is this site with the lyrics to literally every song and people's thoughts on what the lyrics mean. Some of them are pretty cool I guess if you like that kind of thing. There are also a lot of wanker kids on there who think that they're top notch music critics and they say some pretty stupid things... for example, when talking about the lyrics to John Mayer's "Daughters" some people were all like "boo fucking hoo" and like "I hate this song", which clearly means that they are idiots, in my opinion... but yeah, at the very least, its a good place to lyrics that are fairly accurate and all that and there is a lot of obscure stuff.
I've been hitting that up a lot lately, so I thought that I would share... its all about the sharing.

Tomorrow is margarita night... can't wait.. Now to go clean my clothes....

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Dear Ottawa,

I miss you all times 1 million.

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<3 Mel.