Don't We Live the Life

Monday, February 27, 2006

When you get off work tonight, meet me at the construction site

It has been awhile.

Realistically though, I'm never going to be one of those daily bloggers. I don't have that much to say, or rather, enough interesting material for daily, or really even weekly updates.

Reading week was ok, but more lazy, less study would have made it that much better. As far as I can tell, April 7th is going to be the best day ever. Classes are officially over, and my first exam isn't until April 19. I am not getting out of bed. I might even book the day off work just to be certain that I can accomplish this day of complete slothness. Also, its only 5 weeks or so away. Which is pretty effin sweet. I am completely ready for this year to be over and done with.

I had a total freak out last night about school, didn't get any sleep and felt sick because of being so stressed out. However, this morning, I woke up early, got some work done, drank some tea and had a mid-morning nap. When I awoke I found out that one of my essays was pushed back a week which means I now have oodles of time to write my 14 page paper. Relief? Just a bit.

And now to gloat: I have gotten 2 seperate shout-outs/ recognitions in 2 different classes in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Never happened before, and it feels kinda cool to be singled out and recognized like that. I feel like all this shit I am doing and working on is actually counting for something other than a mark on my transcript, however insignificant it may be. But uh, if anybody asks, its on the DL.. don't want to ruin my street cred by having people think I am some kind of keener......... right.

This weekend past was a bit of a bender even by my standards. Ended up at the Palace on Thursday night (after vowing to never return.) pretty random night but I actually had a good time. As a result, working Friday morning was absolute balls. But I did get a nifty new PC bank account and soon I will write a nasty, strong worded letter to Scotiabank telling them what I think about their rediculous bank. (which is a totally seperate rant) I digress.

Friday night I went back into work, feeling more than just a little hung. So what do I do when I get let off early? Why get drunk again of course! We went to Tom's Little Havana for some wine, its actually a really nice place if you don't mind the smoking. Then, we decided that it would be a good idea to go to the Attic to see some Iron Maiden tribute band.. Upon arrival, Kate and I decided that a venture down to the DO ME was in order, and so we trekked downstairs, met these random Irish (from Ireland... they made us look at their passports) dudes.

I'm sure you all know how chachies and ho's dance at dance bars, so with that in mind, picture our surprise when we look over and spot these 2 fellows standing completely still making gardening motions in the air. Obviously, we go over and ask them what they are doing. To which they reply, "trimming the shurbbery" to which we reply, "oh. Ok then. Cya later." and then we book it back upstairs... Very odd indeed.

So imagine our surprise when we run into them again after the bar is closed at pizza corner.

Now further imagine my surprise when I came face to face with them when they walked into work on Saturday night while I hazily struggled to remember why I recognized them. Yeah. Weird. and Awkward. But quite hilarious I guess.

Anyway, Saturday night was a long night, lots of sketchy characters for the online daters, though nobody felt it necessary to tell me the exact location of all their piercings and tattoos.

Sunday I felt like I had been hit by a car because i was so physically tired.. I layed on my bed all day and read/ did work. Not exciting, but necessary.

And so, now as a result of all the boozing/ general debauchery of late I have decided to go on a week long system detox... Drinking lots of water, not drinking.. giving myself a break. I don't remember the last weekend that I stayed sober for all 3( or 4 depending on how you look at it) nights.

I wrote this last part first, and didn't expect to write this much... so anyway, completely out of any kinf of context:

I really want a cat. I miss mine at home and I want something cuddly to..cuddle... Gillda is cool and stuff, but frankly, I refuse to touch anything that derives its greatest pleasure from a few flakes of dried meal worms. Thats just sick.

Ok... I know you're all like, "Mel, shut the hell up"

So I will.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The tide is high but I'm holding on

An sssorted collection of thoughts and events in my life as of the past.... whenever:

- Went to Ottawa. Pretty suddenly too. It was a good time. I needed an escape from life here, however, predictabily, it wasn't the cure-all that I was hoping for.

- I am looking into schools in London. England. As well as NYU. I can dream. (As well as U of T and other assorted Ontario places.... I can still dream.... I have been getting C's lately.)

- Do you ever get sick of hearing the same story over and over again? It bothers me sometimes, but then sometimes I think it can be comforting. But I also like the excitement of getting to tell a great story for the first time, to somebody who has never heard it before and who will appreciate it and laugh in all the right places. That is also comforting.

- Sometimes I feel censored in this space. I don't always feel like I can express what I want to. I am afraid of stepping on toes.

- I fell down my entry-way stairs while sober, and carrying nothing in my hands. My foot hurts a lot today. It happened on Monday.

- Lately, I have been very bored. I need an outlet. Today I was exhausted, but then I had a full day and I felt great. I think I am so tired always because I am just so inactive. This is a lazy feeling tired vs the genuine exhaustion I felt before when I was working 4o hour weeks and going to school 5 days a week.

- I often feel that I am a bad friend, and pretty self-centered. It is all about me...

- I bought new sun glasses while in Ottawa. I want to start wearing my contacts so I can wear my new sun glasses.

- I am addicted to Sudoku.

-I got a date with a night.

I lied about that date with a night part, it was the song that came on. It was fitting.