Don't We Live the Life

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

sadness in the dull routine is perfect for the opening scene

Well.. I'm not dead

Its just been awhile since I've had the luxury of in home internet... And frankly, I can't really say that I've been missing it too much.....

School has once again started, and as predicted, my already busy life has gotten three times busier than ever before.

At this point I'm going to stop, or otherwise this is quickly going to turn into one big long sob fest/pity party. An acquantance asked me last night why I always need to make my life more difficult than it needs to be. I didn't have an answer for him. And so I guess that's what I have to say about my life as of lately.

My apartment is amazing. I finally feel like I have a home rather than a space to put my shit. Although I have noticed that it seems kind of lonely. Even the presence of another person one room over is somehow more comforting than knowing that its just you. Fortunately (or unfortunately...) due to my previous rant about a busy life, I'm not here much; it's mostly a place to sleep and shower. I still have boxes to unpack. I want to decorate and personalize this place a bit more.

I've been really into black and white photography lately. I got a roll of black and white film for Christmas and never really got around to fooling around with it until now. I want to take a roll of various pictures, focusing mainly on city scapes and stuff that I see in my daily travels. There is a crosswalk sign man with angel wings drawn on him near the Barrington St Superstore that I want to go take a picture of before it gets replaced. I've also been thinking a lot more about taking some classes at NASCAD. Maybe in the winter when things finally slow down. They offered a clothing alteration class last year that I would love to take this year.

There's so much that I would like to do, but so little that I actually have time to do.

time time time

Time has truly been the focus of my last 3 weeks. I think thats what I like so much about the summer. Time doesn't really matter. Just be at work at the appropriate time and let the rest take care of itself.

I've also been sick for the last 2 weeks. So coupled with my intense lonliness, is an intense desire to stay in and sook and be alone and miserable.

There's some other stuff that I'd really like to discuss... but this often isn't the appropriate forum to say whats on my mind, which I guess is unfortunate because thats what it's meant to be for.

Blah... suffice to say I'm pretty discontented with life in general right about now and I severely need a shake up... So this is my symbolic opening of a can of worms.... bring it on.