Don't We Live the Life

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ha. How fitting.

So as I sit here procrastonating for the 3rd night in a row on a really simple assignment, I was going through my bookmarks, and I came upon the "Urban Dictionary". I decided to click on "random" and this is the entry I got:

FILDOOS stands for: Fuck It Let's Drop Out Of School.
People who are tired of school and wants to drop out...
Usually people who major in biology, and know they can't just change major, because then they have to stay at the school even longer... so they constantly want to drop out of school but can't.
We can't go drinking tonight, we have to study for the midterm monday,... FILDOOS!

Fildoos, i don;t want to study!

And I said, FILDOOS.
The End.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Overheard in Halifax...

While in line, at the polling station, I overheard the following oh so enlightening conversation.... :

T-dot Girl #1 : Um, so like what are we even voting for? Like, why do we even have to be here? I feel we should just be allowed to vote on campus.

T-dot Girl #2: Yeah I know. Um, like I'm pretty sure we're voting for who we want the premier to be today.

T-dot Girl #1: Really? Like the premier? Like, I don't even know who i should vote for... Wait, are you sure we'er voting for the premier?

T-dot Girl #2: Yeah, totally sure. Like, we vote for MP's and MPP's [note, wtf is an MPP?!] and I think we're voting for both of those today, but like whoever wins will be the premier.

T-dot Girl #1: I'm so confused. I totally took a class on this last semester and I am still so lost....

GAH! Like.... GAH. Where do these people COME from?!!?!?!?!?

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Dressing up like I am going to a dance party 3 nights a week would be a lot more fun if I actually got to GO to said dance party.

instead of just hanging up the coats there......

Monday, January 16, 2006

You breath but the air seems too thin...

Interesting weekend.

Club was busy all 3 nights, which meant that I worked all three nights. In addition to being told off numerous times, I also learned various other interesting things such as the location of all 5 piercings of a creepy mid-30's man with tattoos and a shaved head (note: atleast two were in special areas, though I'll allow you tyo use your own imaginations as to where those areas are.......) and that 21 year old assholes grow up to be 30 something jerks and as a result, sometimes being obnoxious is just who you are. I also learned that some men will do anything to gain the attention of a girl atleast 10 years younger than them. Anyway, encountered some sketch bags as well as some nice people this weekend... still not a fan of this whole club thing... Working in a bar is highly overrated and romanticized in general. I will be glad when it is summer again and I can just make an ass of myself with regular customers in the restaurant and not have to worry about having dozens of pissant kids yell at me because they were too drunk and stupid to hold on to their coat tickets.

I have also been feeling really restless lately. I don't particularly want to be here but I don't know where else I want to be either. I'm ready for a change again, even though I've only been here for less than a year...

In other news, I have developed an expensive addiction involving very nice and expensive shoes that are very cheap(er) on ebay.. The way I see it, is that it's like an investment.... Because they'll last a long time, and they're pretty... and when you can buy $560 Pucci shoes for less than $100, you have to. It's like a moral obligation. Anyway... I figure I don't spend all my money on booze anymore, so I might as well spend it on shoes. Plus I see it as a reward for all those long nights spent having pissant drunk kids yell at me. 5 years from now, when I am poor I will wear my shoes and be happy.

Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I hear its your birthday....

Happy 1 Year Birthday to my blog!

Notice anything, DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAD props to k-dawg for making this happen.


Monday, January 09, 2006

They all drive killer cars


Here I sit again.
Without my voice.
but quite content nonetheless.

This weekend was my staff party. Bunny hunting, hall-way beer can bowling, 4am pingpong, obscene amounts of alcohol, polar-bear dips etc etc etc

It was a good time

It was a really good time..

I also attended the first wedding of my friends. That was kind of a trip. It didn't occur to me at first, but now that I think about it, its pretty crazy. I enjoyed it. It was nice and simple. Not flashy, very low key.

New Years eve was a fucking night and a half. It was aweful actually. Literally as they are counting down to midnight, this is the scene:

Me, in my coatcheck room, after having already been working for 7 hours, tired and bitter because its NYE and I'm working. "Sorry guys, coat check is full" "What do you fucking mean?! I'M CRAZY. I AM GOING TO YELL VERY LOUDLY AT YOU." Me," you're all a bunch of fuckers"
And then some crazy bitch sticks her scrawny little coked out arm into my tip jar and attempts to steal my money. This is the point that I absolutely lose it. I start yelling, security comes and they're yelling, and she's yelling, and I'm yelling and her friends are yelling and the whole bar is yelling, because guess what?! HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEARS.


I hate drunks.
Anyway.... got home after 5am, after starting work at 5pm.... all I wanted to do was pass out for the day and sleep until Monday. But that didn't happen. There was no rest to be had for Mel..

Anyway, to make a longe story shorter, the first week of 2006 can be characterized by a sick amount of sleepless nights coupled with an above average amount of alcohol consumption.

I suppose I did want to start having more fun. And you sure as shit don't have fun by being in bed by 10pm and sleeping all night long.

Folks, be careful what you wish for.

In other news, I won $2 on a bingo ticket.
I'll try not to spend it all in one place.

In closing, I have a 3 hour class to attend this evening. I feel like absolut balls, but I have to go. Did I mention I lost my voice too?

Yeah I did this to myself....