Don't We Live the Life

Thursday, September 29, 2005



My life is about as scandle free as a box of crackers lately.
Not to say that I have ever lived an overly dramatic life to be perfectly honest. I think I used to resent this fact but I am coming more to terms with it now.
That's not to say however that I do not welcome the occasional shake up, or even go looking for it occasionally.

So it's almost October. In general, I am a fan of October as a month. Fall is pretty much the only time of the year that I genuinely enoy being outside. I like summer, don't get me wrong, but summer means bugs and sunburns. Fall on the other hand means crisp air and plus its pretty. I enjoy Halloween too, although I always felt let down that November came right after Halloween, because November is always such a shitty month.
Sunny days in October make me want to go frollic and jump in piles of leaves for some reason. And you all know how I don't really do nature and nature related things....

And thus concludes my Ode to October. Thank you.

The neighbours upstairs have the absolute WORST taste in music in the whole world I'm pretty sure. Not only do they constanly blare said terrible music at all hours of the day and night, but they play the same 10 songs over and over. Seriously, who needs to listen to 1 Celine Dion song, let alone the same song 3 times in the span of like 20min... I don't understand.. They live with a boy and everything, so like.... is it his music? Does he like it too?? He looked like a normal dude when he moved in, but now I question it. Most guys I know would put a stop to those shenanagins before the first falsetto note hit.

I think that I am going to make then some mix CD's and casually drop them in their mailbox. Either that, or I am going to devise a way to mount my speakers and sub to the ceiling, and then play really hardcore music all the time or something crazy like that.. and then leave for days at a time and leave the music playing.....

In other news, I have a hardcore desire to go on a trip somewhere. More specifially though, a roadtrip to.... wherever... The plan as of now is to head off to Tennesse in June for Bonaroo, but there may be some logisitcs there seeing as how I'm going with my co-workers, and somebody will need to stay behind and make sure the restaurant is like staffed...
At any rate, I just want to go on some random crazy adventure. I seriously feel as though this could be accomplished on the cheap. And I mean really, who does anything in May anyway? Why not take the whole month to go on an adventure? Who's with me..

All right then.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Speed dial number 2


First full week of school is done.
In general, I'd say it went ok..
I mean.. as okay as sitting in class can get, you know? Classes seem decently interesting for the most part. I was thinking about dropping a class and just taking 4 this semester because its a crazy class. However, its my one required class for the whole year and it would mean having to take a summer class, which would interfer with my not going to school during the summer months and quite possibly with my trip to Bonaroo.
So, I think I have decided to dig deep and take it like a man, or something like that.
It is however, the first time I have shed tears over school since high school I do believe. 3 cheers for being unreasonable and stressed!!!

In other news, I think I have decided to go totally vegeterian. (note the I think... its going to be tough..) Atleast until Thanksgiving.... I've been skirting around this whole vegeterianism thing for quite some time now, and even ate some bacon on new years day in a state of extreme hung-overness. However, I feel I need to test it out. I think I can do it. I don't eat that much chicken to begin with because I am too cheap to buy it. I usually only eat chicken in stuff when I eat out, and I would like to curb that habit a bit too. I set the deadline of Thanksgiving too because I know that I will eat turkey at thanksgiving... or I think I will atleast, and if I do then I won't be letting myself down or something like that...
I'm sure you're quite glad that you just took the time to read that paragraph on my eating habits too......

Tomorrow is my first weekend day off quite possibly all summer? (is it even still considered summer??)
Anyway.. it's supposed to rain and I am absolutely thrilled. I am sleeping in, no alarm clock, and then I am staying in my bed or atleast in my pj's all day and reading. I know this probably sounds like the dullest day ever but I am totally excited for it.
I might even rent a movie in the afternoon... who knows what crazy things I might do.
The tomorrow night is a show at the Marquee with the roomie.. There is nothing wrong with being a groupie. I repeat NOTHING WRONG!

I hope that tomorow all day does something to lift the general mood of blah that has been hanging around with me and the appartment in general lately. Perhaps a sexy swinging dance party is in order...

Anywho, time to read and drink a big cup of coffee (totally almost wrote a big coffee of cup.... i think that attests to just how badly i need the afore mentioned cup of coffee..)

Friday, September 09, 2005

Actually, I'm just a little bit bored, he he he...

ahhh dunch... you know... not quite lunch, not quite dinner...anywho..

I hate packing, but moreso, I hate unpacking, thus this is my diversion.

Soo... Ottawa

With 2 possible exceptions, 1. Air Canada and their trouble getting both me and my bags to Ottawa, for that I stick my middle finger up. And 2. Having to leave.

As mentioned before, Air Canada's ineptness caused my first day to be a write off between waiting for planes and waiting for more planes with everybody's bags but mine on board.
Monday we took a day trip to Montreal, which was awesome. First time there, it was a pretty spiffy place, I'm not going to lie. Most stuff was closed as it was Labour day but I totally enjoyed just walking around and taking pictures all day as well.
(PS Kat and Kev( and anybody else who wants to see a cool building...):

The rest of my time was divided shopping, eating, going to the museum, and drinking a whole lot of Freixenet and orange juice. So much so as a matter of fact that it is my personal belief that I should become the spokesperson for Freixenet... Hello free samples.

In closing I cried the whole time on the plane coming home and yes, once again to come back to a common theme, kind of wish I would have never left.

Especially after the uselessness that was today at school.

First class was a tutorial, which of course, was cancelled. Then I decided to get my student ID, which I'm pretty sure if officially the WORST picture that has ever been taken of me. Seriously, pictures from like grade 4 when i had bad glasses and hair are glamor shots compared to this one. Needless to say, I'm just a little TO'd and will probably end up "losing" my ID in order to get another.
My second class literally lasted long enough to get my syllabus... my prof had lyrangitis.... but on the plus side, she seems wicked cool... However I am skeptical on the class... I have to write an essay for the 23rd on a personal experience with a bad employer... Hello can you say Perks? I think I should get an A+ on the paper for sure.

All my neighbours have moved in, and I've always been like I would be ok with constant loud music so long as it was rock and roll..... turns out its actually a little bit annoying.
But it's not Persian techno, so I think I can tough it out..

So now I'm exhausted and I still need to go work tonight... uggggh.... I need a break... or.. I need a break from my break...
Really, i jst want one day to stay in bed all day and not worry about not making money or not doing the reading that I have stacked up... so basically........ in 8 months time I will hopefully achieve that.....
