My life is about as scandle free as a box of crackers lately.
Not to say that I have ever lived an overly dramatic life to be perfectly honest. I think I used to resent this fact but I am coming more to terms with it now.
That's not to say however that I do not welcome the occasional shake up, or even go looking for it occasionally.
So it's almost October. In general, I am a fan of October as a month. Fall is pretty much the only time of the year that I genuinely enoy being outside. I like summer, don't get me wrong, but summer means bugs and sunburns. Fall on the other hand means crisp air and plus its pretty. I enjoy Halloween too, although I always felt let down that November came right after Halloween, because November is always such a shitty month.
Sunny days in October make me want to go frollic and jump in piles of leaves for some reason. And you all know how I don't really do nature and nature related things....
And thus concludes my Ode to October. Thank you.
The neighbours upstairs have the absolute WORST taste in music in the whole world I'm pretty sure. Not only do they constanly blare said terrible music at all hours of the day and night, but they play the same 10 songs over and over. Seriously, who needs to listen to 1 Celine Dion song, let alone the same song 3 times in the span of like 20min... I don't understand.. They live with a boy and everything, so like.... is it his music? Does he like it too?? He looked like a normal dude when he moved in, but now I question it. Most guys I know would put a stop to those shenanagins before the first falsetto note hit.
I think that I am going to make then some mix CD's and casually drop them in their mailbox. Either that, or I am going to devise a way to mount my speakers and sub to the ceiling, and then play really hardcore music all the time or something crazy like that.. and then leave for days at a time and leave the music playing.....
In other news, I have a hardcore desire to go on a trip somewhere. More specifially though, a roadtrip to.... wherever... The plan as of now is to head off to Tennesse in June for Bonaroo, but there may be some logisitcs there seeing as how I'm going with my co-workers, and somebody will need to stay behind and make sure the restaurant is like staffed...
At any rate, I just want to go on some random crazy adventure. I seriously feel as though this could be accomplished on the cheap. And I mean really, who does anything in May anyway? Why not take the whole month to go on an adventure? Who's with me..
All right then.