The status as of 11:17am on Wednesday:
Brit Lit: 3 classes
Can Lit: 3 classes
Psych: 2 classes
Roman Hist: 2 classes
Historian's Craft: 2 classes
So thats a total of..... 12 classes. Now, assuming that I skip on average, 2 classes a week, that's about 4 classes gone, thus making the final number of classes I have left: 8. That ain't not bad.
I've been thinking a lot about my new appartment lately. I've never seen it, and I don't know how big my room is or anything, but I've decided that I want to decorate my room somehow. Not just random shit on the walls and everywhere like I usually do. No. This room needs a theme. Tropical is the most logical theme, blues and greens, waves, palm trees, bamboo... etc. It would be totally boss if I could find an old surf board and make it into a table. Plus, I have an inflatable palm tree in my room at home, which I could easily put in my new place. Hmmmmm the possibilities
MAD PROPS to my MOM! I just got an easter package... sweeeeet
And Harley is on the front page of the newspaper? Wiggity fuckin wack...
To my liver- I appoligize to you in advance for this weekend... Don't hate me...
Thursday= A re-celebration of St. Patty's Day
Friday= Kat's Sister comes
Saturday= Evan's B-day
Oh yeah and I suppose I should read my last brit lit book and write a paper..... plus I want to go to the art gallery to see the 60's exhibit....
Speaking of touristey things to do in Ottawa...
I went to Parliment Hill last night. First off, the peace flame was definately out... What does that mean?? Either way, I sat and drank my coffee facing parliment.. how chill is that? I mean... if we were in any other country, me and evan would have been shot for even thinking about sitting and drinking coffee on parliment hill..
One thing is definately for sure, Ottawa is a pretty cool place... Minus the rediculous coldness and stuff.. I'll for sure be sad to leave.
I really need to get on the job finding boat. Everybody else seems to have that kind of sealed up for the summer and I haven't really given it much thought. It would be pretty tight to bartend somewhere. Provided the money I would make would be comparable to the money I could make waitressing. Because lets face it, it's not about the work, it's about the money. And the more of it I can make the better. I think bar wise Pacifico would be my dream place to work. I could dress up for work every night, and it's a super nice club that's not at all skeazy like the Dome. Rain would be cool too, although Rain strikes me as being somewhat sketchy. Or the casino.... But then I would have to wear theit stupid uniform... soo yeah not so much.
I turn 20 in 23 days...... yikes.